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Refund a Payment

At EBANX, refunds allow merchants to return funds to customers for confirmed payments. The refund process is integrated directly into the EBANX Direct API, giving you the ability to manage refunds efficiently from your existing platform. It's important to note that only payments with a confirmed (CO) status can be refunded, meaning transactions in an open (OP) or pending (PE) state must first be confirmed before they are eligible for refund processing.


  • Full and partial refunds - Supports both full and partial refunds, giving merchants flexibility.
  • API-driven - Refunds are handled through the Direct API, enabling automated requests without manual intervention.
  • Compliant with local rules - Comply with local regulations in different countries.

How it works

EBANX Refund flow

Step by step

  1. 1The merchant requests refund through the Dashboard or the API.
  2. 2The request is placed into EBANX refund queue, marked as Requested.
  3. 3EBANX acknowledges the refund, and it is marked as Pending.
  4. 4When the customer receives the money (in bank account or credit card), the refund transitions to Confirmed.


  • API credentials: Ensure you have an EBANX integration key. If not, complete the Merchant Signup Form.


  • Each payment can have multiple refunds, provided that the total refunded amount does not exceed the original payment amount.
    • Cancelled refunds are excluded from this total.
    • Not all payment methods support partial refunds.
  • Only confirmed payments are eligible for refunds. Open or pending transactions cannot be refunded.
  • The refund will be issued in the same currency as the original payment.
  • Refunds trigger notifications at two points:
    • When the refund is pending, an email is sent to the customer requesting their bank information.
    • When the refund is confirmed, completing the process.
  • When a refund is requested or pending, it can be cancelled by the merchant.


To refund a payment, follow the steps below.

  1. Verify payment status

    You can only process a refund if the payment status is confirmed (CO). To verify the status of your payment, use the ws/query endpoint. For more details on how to use this endpoint, refer to our Retrieve Payment guide.

    Confirmed payments

    Please note that payments with the status open (OP) or pending (PE) are only eligible for cancellation, not refunds. Refunds can only be issued for payments that have been confirmed (CO).

  2. Issue a refund

    To refund a payment, call the /ws/refund Direct API endpoint and provide the required fields.

    integration_keyYour EBANX integration key.
    operationrequest to initiate a new refund, or cancel to revoke an existing request.
    hashUnique payment hash from EBANX
    amountThe amount to be refunded, expressed in the original payment currency.
    descriptionDescription of the refund reason.
    merchant_refund_codeUnique ID of the refund on the merchant system.
  3. Sample request

    Use the following example to initiate a refund request.

    curl -X POST \
    --location '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{
    "integration_key": "your_ebanx_integration_key",
    "operation": "request",
    "hash": "5ad9028b30eb8de099f9fe72b9763283c7cf4d35b6430221",
    "amount": "100.00",
    "description": "Order did not arrive"
    "merchant_refund_code": "787653", // Optional.
  4. Sample response

    Each request returns a response similar to the example below.

    "payment": {
    "hash": "5ad9028b30eb8de099f9fe72b9763283c7cf4d35b6430221",
    "country": "br",
    "merchant_payment_code": "9dwdwdw1e31c4c234",
    "order_number": null,
    "status": "CO",
    "status_date": "2018-04-19 20:57:07",
    "open_date": "2018-04-19 20:56:42",
    "confirm_date": "2018-04-19 20:57:07",
    "transfer_date": null,
    "amount_br": "100.38",
    "amount_ext": "100.00",
    "amount_iof": "0.38",
    "currency_rate": "1.0000",
    "currency_ext": "BRL",
    "due_date": "2018-04-22",
    "instalments": "1",
    "payment_type_code": "itau",
    "pre_approved": false,
    "capture_available": null,
    "refunds": [
    "id": "68682", // Unique. Required to cancel the refund.
    "merchant_refund_code": "787653", // If provided in the request.
    "status": "RE",
    "request_date": "2018-04-19 21:00:06",
    "pending_date": null,
    "confirm_date": null,
    "cancel_date": null,
    "amount_ext": "100.00",
    "description": "Order did not arrive"
    "status": "SUCCESS"
    API Reference

    For detailed information about ws/refund, refer to the API reference guide.

  5. Congratulations!

    You have completed the necessary steps to create a refund.

Extra parameters

You can add bank details directly to the refund request by providing extra parameters.

  1. Bank details

    The following bank paramters are available.

    bank_info.bank_nameBank Name
    bank_info.bank_branchBank branch. The branch can have a digit. If have so, the digit should be separated with a hyphen
    bank_info.bank_accountAccount number, if have digit should be separated with a hyphen
    bank_info.account_typeAccount type
    bank_info.bank_detailsOnly when the bank is 104 Caixa Econômica
    bank_info.bank_account_holder_documentBank account holder document: CPF or CNPJ
    bank_info.bank_account_holder_nameBank account holder name
    Availability - Bank Details

    This feature is only available in Crossborder model in Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico

  2. Sample request with bank details

    Use the following example to initiate a refund request.

    curl -X POST \
    --location '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{
    "integration_key": "your_ebanx_integration_key",
    "operation": "request",
    "hash": "5ad9028b30eb8de099f9fe72b9763283c7cf4d35b6430221",
    "amount": "100.00",
    "description": "refund",
    "merchant_refund_code": "787653", // Optional
    "bank_info": {
    "bank_name": "260 Nu Pagamentos S.A.",
    "bank_branch": "0001",
    "bank_account": "11111111-2",
    "account_type": "C",
    "bank_account_holder_document": "85351346893",
    "bank_account_holder_name": "José Silva"

  3. Sample response

    Each request returns a response similar to the example below.

    "payment": {
    "hash": "5ad9028b30eb8de099f9fe72b9763283c7cf4d35b6430221",
    "country": "br",
    "merchant_payment_code": "9dwdwdw1e31c4c234",
    "order_number": null,
    "status": "CO",
    "status_date": "2018-04-19 20:57:07",
    "open_date": "2018-04-19 20:56:42",
    "confirm_date": "2018-04-19 20:57:07",
    "transfer_date": null,
    "amount_br": "100.38",
    "amount_ext": "100.00",
    "amount_iof": "0.38",
    "currency_rate": "1.0000",
    "currency_ext": "BRL",
    "due_date": "2018-04-22",
    "instalments": "1",
    "payment_type_code": "boleto",
    "pre_approved": false,
    "capture_available": null,
    "refunds": [
    "id": "68682",
    "merchant_refund_code": "787653",
    "status": "RE",
    "request_date": "2018-04-19 21:00:06",
    "pending_date": null,
    "confirm_date": null,
    "cancel_date": null,
    "amount_ext": "100.00",
    "description": "Testing refund"
    "status": "SUCCESS"

Cancelling a refund

If the refund is no longer necessary, you can cancel the request via the API. A refund can only be canceled if its status is requested (RE) or pending (PE). Upon successful execution, the refund will be canceled immediately.

When a refund is canceled, the customer will not receive the funds, and the merchant will not be charged. Please note that customers are not notified about the cancellation of a refund.

  1. Example request to cancel a refund

    To cancel a refund call the /ws/refund endpoint and set the following parameters.

    • Set operation to cancel
    • Set refund_id to the refund id.

    Use the following example to initiate a cancellation request.

    curl -X POST \
    --location '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{
    "integration_key": "your_ebanx_integration_key",
    "operation": "cancel",
    "refund_id": "68682"
  2. Response

    Each request returns a response similar to the example below.

    "payment": {
    "hash": "5ad9028b30eb8de099f9fe72b9763283c7cf4d35b6430221",
    "country": "br",
    "merchant_payment_code": "9dwdwdw1e31c4c234",
    "order_number": null,
    "status": "CO",
    "status_date": "2018-04-19 20:57:07",
    "open_date": "2018-04-19 20:56:42",
    "confirm_date": "2018-04-19 20:57:07",
    "transfer_date": null,
    "amount_br": "100.38",
    "amount_ext": "100.00",
    "amount_iof": "0.38",
    "currency_rate": "1.0000",
    "currency_ext": "BRL",
    "due_date": "2018-04-22",
    "instalments": "1",
    "payment_type_code": "itau",
    "pre_approved": false,
    "capture_available": null,
    "refunds": [
    "id": "68682",
    "merchant_refund_code": "787653",
    "status": "CA",
    "request_date": "2018-04-19 21:00:06",
    "pending_date": null,
    "confirm_date": null,
    "cancel_date": "2018-04-20 21:00:06",
    "amount_ext": "100.00",
    "description": "Test transaction"
    "status": "SUCCESS"
  3. Congratulations!

    You have succesfully canceled a refund.

Refunds using dashboard

Alternatively, you can process a refund directly through your EBANX Dashboard.


Use the following resources when testing in your sandbox environment.

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