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Handling User Driven Cancellations
Pix Automático allows users to manage their enrollments directly through their banking apps. They are able to cancel both enrollments and payments. This guide quickly demonstrates how to handle user driven cancelations in EBANX. We will walk you through the basic steps to achieve this goal using your already existing Direct API integration.


  • API credentials - Ensure you have your EBANX integration key. If not, complete the Merchant Signup Form.


To handle user driven cancellations, follow the steps below.

For user driven cancelled payments

  1. Receive EBANX notification for payment cancellation.

    Your title

    As soon as the payment is canceled by the customer's bank, the payment status is modified from PE to CA and a Status Update notification is sent.


    Using the unique payment hash, use the ws/query endpoint to get the latest status of the payment.

    Check the example:

    curl POST '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{
    "integration_key": "{{integration_key}}",
    "hash": "{{unique_payment_hash}}"

    A successful request will return a JSON response like the one below, with a status of CA for the recurring payment.

    "payment": {
    "hash": "{{unique_payment_hash}}",
    "country": "BR",
    "merchant_payment_code": "{{unique_payment_code}}",
    "merchant_enrollment_code": "{{unique_enrollment_code}}",
    "status": "CA",
    "status_date": "2024-01-16 03:00:00",
    "open_date": "2024-01-10 13:00:00",
    "confirm_date": null,
    "transfer_date": null,
    "amount_br": "19.90",
    "amount_ext": "19.90",
    "amount_iof": "0.00",
    "currency_rate": "1.0000",
    "currency_ext": "BRL",
    "due_date": "2024-01-17",
    "payment_type_code": "pix-automatico",
    "pre_approved": false
    "status": "SUCCESS"
  2. Congratulations!

    You have succesfully integrated user driven cancelled payments.

    For more information, refer to the
    Direct API reference guidechevron_right

For user driven cancelled enrollments

  1. EBANX notifies enrollment cancellation

    Your title

    As soon as the enrollment is canceled by the customer's bank a Status Update notification is sent to the URL defined in your merchant configuration.


    Using the ID provided in merchant_enrollment_code, use the ws/userenrollments/query endpoint to get the latest status of the enrollment.

    Check the example:

    curl POST '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{
    "integration_key": "{{integration_key}}",
    "enrollment": {
    "merchant_enrollment_code": "{{unique_enrollment_code}}"

    A successful request will return a JSON response like the one below, with a status revoked f for the enrollment cancelled by the customer.

    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "enrollment": {
    "status": "revoked",
    "email": "{{customer_email}}"
    "subscription": {
    "subscription_name": "Descriptor of the subscription.",
    "expiration_date": "2025-12-30",
    "frequency": "monthly",
    "fixed_amount": 19.90,
    "max_amount_floor": null,
    "retry": "allow_3R_7D"
  2. EBANX notifies payment cancelation

    Your title

    When an enrollment is cancelled, any payments scheduled for the upcoming cycle will also be cancelled. EBANX will send you a status notification; to review it, follow the steps in the section For Canceled Payments

  3. Congratulations!

    You have succesfully integrated user driven cancelled enrollments.

    For more information, refer to the
    Direct API reference guidechevron_right
Product Launch Date

Pix Automático will be available starting June 16, 2025. In the meantime, you can test and explore the features using our Sandbox environment, which has been live since December 1, 2024!

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