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Payout Canceled Errors for Remittance Brazil

About this page

This page contains the codes of errors that may occur when you create a payout.

How it works

When an API call fails, EBANX will return a JSON object containing the error details as the example below:

"message":"Document informed not accepted",
"gateway_details":"Receiver's tax ID (CPF or CNPJ) doesn't match bank details"

The gateway_details shows a more detailed explanation of the error that we received by the bank, to help identify the better way to resolve the case.

CodeError message (Gateway details)
ACCOUNT_BLOCKEDBlocked account
ACCOUNT_DOESNT_EXISTSAccount number inexistent
BANK_INFOThe bank branch is incorrect
BANK_INFOThe bank number is incorrect
BANK_INFOThe account number is incorrect
BANK_INFOThe receiver name is incorrect or missing
BANK_INFOThe account number or bank branch is incorrect
BANK_INFOThis banking information belongs to a different tax ID (CPF or CNPJ)
INCORRECT_ACCOUNT_TYPEInvalid account type
REJECTED_BY_BANKTransfer refused by the bank
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLEThe receiver's bank is unavailable at the moment
TAX_ID_MISMATCHReceiver's tax ID (CPF or CNPJ) doesn't match bank details
TAX_ID_MISMATCHInvalid document number

Note: Notice that an error code can have different error messages.

The Canceled Errors can be updated in case new errors come up and/or the providers update their responses. EBANX will notify the merchants prior to adding new codes and keep this page updated.

Getting help

We hope this article was enlightening, but in case we’ve failed to take out your doubts you have the following options to keep on seeking for answers:

  • If you’re not our partner yet and would like to know more about our prices and conditions please fill our this form and our commercial team will get in touch with you.
  • In case you’re already our partner please get in touch with our support team at