Create a Payout
About this guide
This guide quickly demonstrates how to create a payout in EBANX. We will walk you through the basic steps to achieve this goal using your already existing Direct API integration.
How it works
To create a payout through EBANX Direct API, please follow the steps below.
Make sure you have all the mandatory fields in your request
There are a few key parameters you need to provide to create a payout. Check the table below for more details.
Field Description integration_key
Your unique and secret integration key. external_reference
The unique payout ID provided by you. country
The two-letter country code for the customer country. In this case, we'll use mx (Mexico) amount
The amount in the specified currency (currency_code). currency_code
Three-letter code of the payout currency. In this case, we'll use MXN (Mexico) payee
A JSON object containing the details of the payee of your request. Payee DetailsNote that you can either provide all the information of the payee directly on you payout creation request or create the payee record in advance, using the /ws/payee/create endpoint, and simply provide the payee's document number in the payout request.
Document Types Allowed:
These types of documents are used by the payees or shareholders.
Document type Description RFC Federal taxpayer registration. CURP Unique Population Registry Code. Send your payout request to EBANX
To create a new Payout, you will use the /ws/payout/create endpoint.
For Mexico only, when you will send all payee's information, the bank_info tag you can only send the bank_details key filled up with the CLABE number. The bank_details key is mandatory. The API will extract bank_name, bank_branch, bank_account and account_type values from CLABE number given in bank_details tag.
curl -X POST '' \
-d 'integration_key=your_test_integration_key' \
-d 'external_reference=PAYOUT_EBANX_04' \
-d 'country=mx' \
-d 'amount=10' \
-d 'currency_code=USD' \
-d 'payee[name]=Han Solo' \
-d 'payee[email]' \
-d 'payee[phone]=+52312345678' \
-d 'payee[document]=ROCE000131HNLDNDA0' \
-d 'payee[document_type]=curp' \
-d 'payee[bank_info][bank_details]=001180012345678907' \
-d 'payee[address][zipcode]=20000' \
-d 'payee[address][state]=AGS' \
-d 'payee[address][city]=Aguascalientes' \
-d 'payee[address][street_address]=Fake Street' \
-d 'payee[address][street_complement]=123'To create a payout for an organization entity (company) you should send additional fields holding the shareholders data:
curl -X POST '' \
-d 'integration_key=your_test_integration_key' \
-d 'external_reference=PAYOUT_EBANX_04' \
-d 'country=mx' \
-d 'amount=10' \
-d 'currency_code=USD' \
-d 'payee[name]=Han Solo' \
-d 'payee[email]' \
-d 'payee[phone]=+52312345678' \
-d 'payee[document]=ROCE000131HNLDNDA0' \
-d 'payee[document_type]=rfc' \
-d 'payee[bank_info][bank_details]=001180012345678907' \
-d 'payee[address][zipcode]=20000' \
-d 'payee[address][state]=AGS' \
-d 'payee[address][city]=Aguascalientes' \
-d 'payee[address][street_address]=Fake Street' \
-d 'payee[address][street_complement]=123' \
-d 'payee[shareholders][0][name]=Roberto Carlos da Silva' \
-d 'payee[shareholders][0][document]=580176040763abcdef' \
-d 'payee[shareholders][0][document_type]=CURP' \
-d 'payee[shareholders][0][email]' \
-d 'payee[shareholders][0][zipcode]=20000' \
-d 'payee[shareholders][0][state]=AGS' \
-d 'payee[shareholders][0][city]=Aguascalientes' \
-d 'payee[shareholders][0][address]=Rua Fake street' \
-d 'payee[shareholders][0][complement]=Centro' \
-d 'payee[shareholders][0][ownership_percent]=51' \
-d 'payee[shareholders][1][name]=Vanessa Ribeiro' \
-d 'payee[shareholders][1][document]=571918250046abcdef' \
-d 'payee[shareholders][1][document_type]=CURP' \
-d 'payee[shareholders][1][email]' \
-d 'payee[shareholders][1][zipcode]=20000' \
-d 'payee[shareholders][1][state]=AGS' \
-d 'payee[shareholders][1][city]=Aguascalientes' \
-d 'payee[shareholders][1][address]=Rua Fake Street' \
-d 'payee[shareholders][1][complement]=Centro' \
-d 'payee[shareholders][1][ownership_percent]=49'For organizations, some fields are mandatory in shareholder set:
- name
- document
- document_type
And a successful creation will return a JSON Object with type "success" and a payout object with all the details of the newly created Payout.
"type": "success",
"payout": {
"uid": "a1352f5341c3c8c1e40ea9c06715f05778ff35ee",
"external_reference": "PAYOUT_EBANX_04",
"status": "OP",
"request_date": "2020-09-18 13:26:53",
"status_date": null,
"paid_date": null,
"cancel_date": null,
"payee": {
"name": "Han Solo",
"email": "",
"phone": "554112345678",
"document": "85351346893",
"document_type": "CPF",
"birthdate": null,
"bank_info": {
"bank_name": "104 Caixa Econ\u00f4mica",
"bank_branch": "3708",
"bank_account": "8251777-6",
"account_type": "C",
"bank_details": "001"
"request_amount": "10.00",
"request_currency": "USD",
"request_exchange_rate": "1.0000",
"debit_amount": "10.00",
"debit_fee": "0.15",
"debit_amount_total": "10.15",
"debit_currency": "USD",
"local_tax_amount": "0.12",
"local_amount_total": "32.88",
"local_currency": "USD",
"local_exchange_rate": "3.2997"
}Send a commit request to EBANX
Once the new Payout record is created it'll be committed automatically after 6 hours. Or you can use the /ws/payout/commit endpoint to start the payment process.
Here's an example of a commit operation using the payout we've just created:
curl -X POST '' \
-d 'integration_key=your_test_integration_key' \
-d 'uid=0e495f7a4409c032d54376084b10b9c771e9b39f0'Once the new Payout is commited, a JSON Object with type "success" will be returned.
"type": "success",
"message": "Payout has already been committed"
Creating a Payout via Dashboard
You can also create a payout through your Dashboard in the Overview section of the Payout tab. Click on Create Payout, fill in the payee information, payout amount and click Create. Additionally, you can create a Mass Payout for up to 600 payouts.
Getting help
We hope this article was enlightening, but in case we’ve failed to take out your doubts you have the following options to keep on seeking for answers:
- If you’re not our partner yet and would like to know more about our prices and conditions please fill our this form and our commercial team will get in touch with you.
- In case you’re already our partner please get in touch with our support team at