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Shopify Installation

This guide will lead you through the process of setting up EBANX as a payment gateway on your Shopify store, providing step-by-step instructions to configure EBANX, add supported payment methods, and test your setup. By following this guide, you’ll be able to offer a secure, localized payment experience that caters to your customers’ preferences, all within Shopify’s platform.


  • API credentials - Ensure you have your EBANX integration key. If not, complete the Merchant Signup Form.


Follow the steps below to setup EBANX as your payment provider on Shopify.

  1. Get your Integration Key

    To install the EBANX Payment App, you’ll need your integration key, located in the Settings > Integrations section of the EBANX dashboard.

  2. Install EBANX Payment App

    On the EBANX Payment App page, click "Add app" to integrate it with your store.


    You’ll be redirected to your Shopify admin panel. Click "Install app" to continue.


    On the EBANX Payment App screen, enter your Integration Key and click "Log In".


    Once installation is confirmed, click "Return to your store" to be redirected to the EBANX Payment app settings in your Shopify admin panel.


    To access your EBANX Payment App settings, navigate to Settings > Payments > Accepted Payment Methods and click Manage next to your EBANX Payment app.

    To activate the EBANX Payment App on your store, click "Activate EBANX Payment App".

  3. Set up Form Options


    Click on Settings again, then select Checkout. Adjust your Form options as shown in the image below, and click Save.

  4. Brazil physical goods setup

    This step is required for Brazil. If this option is unavailable in your Shopify store, no further action is needed.

    Since January 2020, Brazilian Tax Authorities require all imported packages to include the customer’s identification number (CPF or CNPJ). To ensure proper delivery for orders shipping to Brazil, please complete this final step.

    If the Enable CPF/CNPJ field option is already checked in your store, please uncheck it. Don’t worry—CPF/CNPJ will still be requested as usual during checkout.

    Remain on the same page (Settings > Checkout), scroll to the bottom, and select Manage Checkout Language under Checkout Language configuration.


    Change the Optional company label field to CPF and save this page.

  5. Test your integration

    Lastly, access your store and go through a regular purchase flow to confirm that the payment gateways you’ve just installed are appearing as options at checkout.

  6. Congratulations!

    You have succesfully integrated Shopify.


Use the following resources when testing in your sandbox environment.

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