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Payment Page

EBANX Payment Page is a secure, EBANX-hosted checkout solution that streamlines the transaction process. Generated through the EBANX Direct API, this page is provided as a unique redirect URL. To set up a Payment Page, merchants only need to provide basic transaction details, such as customer information and the payment amount. This simple setup makes it a fast and efficient option, eliminating the need for a full integration.


  • Simplified integration - No need to host your own checkout.
  • Multiple payment methods - Access a wide range of local options.
  • Seamless experience - Secure checkout with automatic redirection to your store.

How it works

Below is a step-by-step illustration of how EBANX Payment Pages work.

Payment Page Integration - How it works

Step by step

The customer proceeds to checkout on the merchant’s website.

  1. 1The merchant requests a Payment Page link through the EBANX API.
  2. 2EBANX generates a unique URL for the payment and returns it to the merchant.
  3. 3The merchant redirects the customer to the payment link provided by EBANX.
  4. 4The customer is redirected to the EBANX Payment Page to complete the transaction.
  5. 5After the payment is processed, the customer is redirected to the callback URL provided in the initial request.


Payment Page Integration - How it works


Select a country to explore available payment options.
Payment typeOptions
Credit Card
Visa icon
Master icon
AMEX icon
Diners icon
ELO icon
Hipercard icon
Debit Card
Visa icon
Master icon
ELO icon
Hipercard icon
Cash/Voucher Payment
Boleto Bancário icon
Boleto Bancário
Digital Wallets
Mercado Pago icon
Mercado Pago
Mercado Pago Connect icon
Mercado Pago Connect
Paypal icon
Picpay icon
NuPay icon
NuPay Recurrent icon
NuPay Recurrent
Alternative Payment Method
Additional Features
* Hover over icons to display the name of the payment method.

Integrate this feature

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