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Network Tokens using Direct API

The EBANX Network Token provides a secure, tokenized version of a customer’s payment card details, designed to simplify recurring payments while enhancing security and reducing the risk of fraud. By replacing sensitive card information with a unique encrypted token, network tokenization ensures compliance with security standards like PCI DSS, while also improving the payment experience for returning customers. In this guide, you’ll learn how to integrate EBANX Network Tokens into your payment flow, enabling secure and efficient transactions.

Tokenization methods

There are two options to create a token.

EBANX.jsGenerate the token on the client side using the EBANX.js JavaScript library, and then send the token in your API call.Client Side
Direct APIUse the Direct API to generate the token server-side and include it in your payment request.Server Side

How it works

Network Tokenization is divided into two steps.

  1. Token request - You request a network token from EBANX via the /ws/token endpoint.
  2. Token usage - Once a network token is ready for use, you can include it in the card node for subsequent payment requests.


  • API credentials - Ensure you have your EBANX integration key. If not, complete the Merchant Signup Form.
  • Card information - Ensure you have access to the customer’s card details to tokenize.


Follow the steps below.

  1. Select your environment

    Select the appropriate environment for your integration. Use the sandbox environment for testing, or the production environment for live transactions. Use the URL for your HTTP requests based on your selection.
  2. Define your parameters

    The following fields are required to obtain an EBANX network token:

    integration_keyYour EBANX integration key
    payment_type_codePayment method (e.g., creditcard).
    countryTwo-letter country code. (e.g., br for Brazil).
    card.card_numberCard number
    card.card_nameCardholder name (as written om the card)
    card.card_due_dateCard's valid thru date (formatted as mm/yyyy)
    card.card_cvvCard verification value (CVV, CVV2 or CVC)
  3. Sample request

    Use the following to initiate a request by calling /ws/token with information collected from the previous step.

    When you request a network token, the request will be received by EBANX, and the token will be generated.

    curl -X POST \
    --location '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{
    "integration_key": "integration_key",
    "payment_type_code": "debitcard",
    "country": "br",
    "card": {
    "card_number": "5200000000001096",
    "card_name": "Jose da Silva",
    "card_due_date": "10/2021",
    "card_cvv": "123"
  4. Sample response

    A successful request will return a response similar to the example below.

    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "payment_type_code": "mastercard",
    "token": "b81cc06bcf0d013c3688eb1b229dc155cd23b5d18781bee0fb246537cb42f151117ae7f06617cae384d4829c82151983177c87584686fad5e497dde1d0871862",
    "masked_card_number": "520000xxxxxx1096",
  5. Create a payment (with token)

    Use the token to process payments in the card object of your Direct API call.

    "card": {
    "token": "b81cc06bcf0d013c3688eb1b229dc155cd23b5d18781bee0fb246537cb42f151117ae7f06617cae384d4829c82151983177c87584686fad5e497dde1d0871862"

    For recurrent transactions, set the network_token_mode field to recurrent.

    "card": {
    "token": "b81cc06bcf0d013c3688eb1b229dc155cd23b5d18781bee0fb246537cb42f151117ae7f06617cae384d4829c82151983177c87584686fad5e497dde1d0871862",
    "network_token_mode": "recurrent"
    For more information about creating payments, refer to the
    Direct API Guidechevron_right

  6. Congratulations!

    You have succesfully integrated EBANX Network Tokens.

Network Token Status

To check the status of a network token, use the /ws/token/query endpoint.

  1. Request token status

    Example request:

    curl -X POST \
    --location '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{
    "integration_key": "integration_key",
    "token": "b81cc06bcf0d013c3688eb1b229dc155cd23b5d18781bee0fb246537cb42f151117ae7f06617cae384d4829c82151983177c87584686fad5e497dde1d0871862"
  2. Response

    Upon success, the following JSON object will be returned:

    Example response:

    "card_type": "mastercard",
    "country": "not informed",
    "due_date": "10/2021",
    "bin": "520000",
    "last_four": "1096",
    "network_token_credit_card_name": "Jose da Silva",
    "network_token_cryptogram": "network_token_cryptogram_example",
    "network_token_due_date": "06/2025",
    "network_token_pan": "5211111111111111",
    "network_token_status": "ACTIVE"

Possible values include:

REQUESTED_SUCCESSFULLYThe network token request was successful, and it is now pending provisioning.Initial request
FAILED_REQUESTIt was not possible to request the network tokenInitial request
NOT_PROVISIONEDThe network token provisioning was not possible. The issuer may have denied provisioning or an error may have occurred in the token provisioningStatus query
ACTIVEThe network token can be used in transactionsStatus query
SUSPENDEDThe network token cannot be used in transactions at the moment. This state can change to ACTIVE or DELETED in the futureStatus query
DELETEDThe network token is deactivated permanently and cannot be used in transactions anymore. This is the final state for the network token, and occurs when the customer closed his bank account for exampleStatus query

Test Cards

Below are the test card numbers you can use to verify your integration and check the network token status during the token request process.

Initial Token Request

CardToken Status
Any card (E.g. 4111111111111111)REQUESTED_SUCCESSFULLY

Token Status Query

CardToken StatusDescription
Any card (E.g. 4111111111111111)ACTIVEThe network token can be used in transactions
5102026827345142NOT_FOUNDWe couldn't find a network token related to the token
5237990616767170WAIT_PROVISIONINGWaiting for the issuer to provision the network token
5169808734990544NOT_PROVISIONEDThe network token provisioning was not possible. The issuer may have denied provisioning or an error may have occurred in the token provisioning
5498527767276454SUSPENDEDThe network token cannot be used in transactions at the moment. This state can change to ACTIVE or DELETED in the future
5448419208577578DELETEDThe network token is deactivated permanently and cannot be used in transactions anymore. This is the final state for the network token, and occurs when the customer closed his bank account for example


If a tokenization request fails on the /ws/token endpoint, EBANX will return a JSON object with error details.

Error object - The following key-value pairs exist with each error response.

// Sample error object
"status": "ERROR",
"status_code": "BP-DR-61",
"status_message": "It was not possible to create the token for this card - please, try again later"
Error Message
BP-DR-35Invalid payment_type_code: XThe payment method is not enabled. Contact our Integration Team.
BP-DR-36Payment type is not activeThe payment method is not enabled. Contact our Integration Team.
BP-DR-48Field card is required for this payment typeThe field was not filled.
BP-DR-49Field card.card_number is requiredThe field was not filled.
BP-DR-51Field card.card_name is requiredThe field was not filled.
BP-DR-56Field card.card_due_date is requiredThe field was not filled
BP-DR-55Parameter card.card_cvv is invalidThe parameter has more characters than the limit allowed.
BP-DR-61It was not possible to create the token for this credit card - please, try again laterIt was not possible to complete the operation.
BP-DR-67Field card.card_due_date is invalidThe parameter sent was not valid.
BP-DR-75Card number is invalidThe parameter sent was not valid.
BP-DR-77Country is not enabledThe country is not available. Contact our Integration Team.
BP-DR-78Country not enabled for merchantThe country is not available on your account. Contact our Integration Team.
BP-DR-83Foreign credit card cannot be processed.The credit card was issued in a country other than the country of the acquirer.
BP-DR-95Parameter card.card_name must be a valid name: number isn’t allowedThe customer may have mistaken the fields and put the number of the card instead of the name.
BP-DR-101Card is not eligible for ecommerceThe card provided by the customer cannot be used for online transactions
BP-DR-104Payment type is not valid for this countryThe payment type is invalid for the country sent.


Use the following resources when testing in your sandbox environment.

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