Verify Account Bank Account PIX
About this guide
This guide quickly demonstrates how to verify destination Bank Account PIX whether it exists or not and if is valid. We will walk you through the basic steps to achieve this goal using your already existing API integration.
How it works
Verify account using the /ws/payout/verify_account end-point
To verify account, you will use the /ws/payout/verify_account endpoint.
The following fields are required:
Field Description integration_key
Your unique and secret integration key. target
Provider that will process the payment (bank_account_pix) country
The two-letter country code for the customer country. In this case, we'll show the method to br (Brazil) bank_info
Destination account to query The following example shows how to verify a destination account:
curl -X POST '' \
-d 'integration_key=your_test_integration_key' \
-d 'target=bank_account_pix' \
-d 'country=br' \
-d 'bank_info[bank_name]=104 Caixa Econômica' \
-d 'bank_info[bank_branch]=3708' \
-d 'bank_info[bank_account]=08251777-6' \
-d 'bank_info[account_type]=C' \
-d 'bank_info[bank_document]=1234567890'And a successful query will return a JSON Object with status "valid" and the recipient's bank information.
"recipient": {
"name": "Jane Doe",
"document": "12345678900",
"bank_branch": "000",
"bank_account": "0000000",
"bank_agency": "0",
"account_type": "CHECKING"
"status": "valid",
"message": "Account is valid"
}And a unsuccessful query will return a JSON Object with status "invalid", with a message explaining the reason.
"status": "invalid",
"message": "Account does not exist in provider"
}When reach limit of invalid verifications it will return a JSON Object with status "limit_rate_reached", with a message explaining the reason.
"status": "limit_rate_reached",
"message": "Maximum attempts reached. Please try again in a few minutes."
Getting help
We hope this article was enlightening, but in case we’ve failed to take out your doubts you have the following options to keep on seeking for answers:
- If you’re not our partner yet and would like to know more about our prices and conditions please fill our this form and our commercial team will get in touch with you.
- In case you’re already our partner please get in touch with our support team at