When an error occurs, EBANX responds with a JSON object that includes comprehensive details about the error, allowing you to understand and address the issue quickly.
Error object
The following key-value pairs exist with each error response.
"status": "ERROR",
"status_code": "BP-SA-1",
"status_message": "Parameter integration_key not found"
Click the tabs below to explore error categories.
- Payments
- Cards
- Customer
- 3DS 2.0
- General
Code arrow_downward | Error Message arrow_downward | Description arrow_downward |
BP-CH-1 | Payment type group is not active: {group_code} | Some payment method is not enabled. Contact our Integration Team. |
BP-DR-0 | Payment already exists with merchant_payment_code: X (created on X, status is X) | There can be only one payment in the system with the same merchant payment code. |
BP-DR-2 | Field payment is required | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-3 | Field payment.currency_code is required | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-5 | Field payment.amount_total is required | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-6 | Amount reported is less than the minimum amount | The payment amount is too low. |
BP-DR-7 | Amount must be less than X | The payment amount is too high. |
BP-DR-8 | If passed, amount_itens + amount_shipping must be equal to amount_total | The amount sent was not right. |
BP-DR-9 | Field payment.merchant_payment_code is required | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-10 | Parameter merchant_payment_code can have 40 characters maximum | The parameter has more characters than the limit allowed. |
BP-DR-11 | Parameter payment.order_number can have 40 characters maximum | The parameter has more characters than the limit allowed. |
BP-DR-12 | Parameter X can have 20 characters maximum | The parameter has more characters than the limit allowed. |
BP-DR-35 | Invalid payment_type_code: X | The payment method is not enabled. Contact our Integration Team. |
BP-DR-36 | Payment type is not active | The payment method is not enabled. Contact our Integration Team. |
BP-DR-38 | Payment type not allowed in Direct API (full mode): X | Not all payment types are allowed in full mode, please refer to documentation. |
BP-DR-41 | Field payment.person_type must contain a valid person_type | The parameter sent was not valid. |
BP-DR-47 | Parameter payment.directdebit.bank_account can have 10 characters maximum | The parameter has more characters than the limit allowed. |
BP-DR-50 | Payment type not allowed in Direct API (full mode): {payment_type_code} | The payment method is not allowed. Contact our Integration Team. |
BP-DR-57 | Parameter is in an invalid format: due_date. Correct Format: dd/MM/yyyy | The parameter was not sent on the right format. |
BP-DR-58 | Parameter is invalid: due_date – exceeds more than {days} days | The parameter ‘due_date’ exceeds the numbers of days that is in the configuration. |
BP-DR-59 | Parameter is invalid: due_date – less than permitted | The parameter ‘due_date’ is too short. |
BP-DR-68 | Field payment.directdebit.bank_account is required | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-69 | Parameter payment.directdebit.bank_agency can have 10 characters maximum | The parameter has more characters than the limit allowed. |
BP-DR-70 | Field payment.directdebit.bank_agency is required | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-71 | Parameter payment.directdebit.bank_code can have 5 characters maximum | The parameter has more characters than the limit allowed. |
BP-DR-72 | Field payment.directdebit.bank_code is required | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-73 | Field payment.directdebit is required for this payment type | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-77 | Country is not enabled | The country is not available on your account. Contact our Integration Team. |
BP-DR-78 | Country not enabled for merchant | The country is not available on your account. Contact our Integration Team. |
BP-DR-80 | It was not possible to generate CIP. Please try again. | Some error happened on the transaction. |
BP-DR-81 | Currency code {currency_code} not allowed for payment type code: {payment_type_code}. | The supplied currency cannot be used for the chosen payment method. |
BP-DR-82 | Parameter payment.note can have 200 characters maximum. | The note parameter must have 200 characters or less. |
BP-DR-84 | Duplicate payment for the same customer and amount within {minutes} minutes. | Lock for preventing customer to be billed twice for the same transaction. |
BP-DR-85 | Field payment.sub_account is required. | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-86 | Parameter is invalid: payment.sub_account. | The parameter sent was not valid. |
BP-DR-87 | Field payment.sub_account.name is required. | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-88 | Field payment.sub_account.image_url is required. | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-91 | Field payment.institution_code is required. | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-92 | Field payment.institution_code is not a valid bank code. | The parameter sent was not valid. |
BP-DR-93 | Error creating this payment within PSE ACH. Error code: ?. | Something went wrong with the payment operation. |
BP-DR-99 | Field payment.sub_account.image_url must be https | The image URL that you are trying to send must be with https. |
BP-DR-102 | Too many attempts | The customer tried too many times the same transaction in a short period of time. |
BP-DR-105 | Missing Parameter for Flow method | Parameter payment.flow_payment_method is required. You read more about HERE. |
BP-DR-118 | Invalid Sub Account data | The Sub Account sent in request is not valid. |
BP-DR-130 | For 3DS 2.0 transactions, field payment.card.threeds_cryptogram is required | The Cryptogram field was not filled. |
BP-DR-131 | For 3DS 2.0 transactions, field payment.card.threeds_eci is required | The ECI field was not filled. |
BP-DR-132 | For 3DS 2.0 transactions, field payment.card.threeds_cryptogram and payment.card.threeds_eci are required | The Cryptogram and ECI fields were not filled. |
BP-DR-138 | Parameter payment.card.threeds_trxid is mandatory for 3DS Data Only | The Directory Server Transaction ID was not filled and it is mandatory when you are sending a transaction with 3DS Data Only Authentication |
BP-DR-139 | Parameter payment.card.threeds_version is invalid. The valid values are 1 (for 3DS 1.0) and 2 (for 3DS 2.0) | The ThreeDSecure version sent is invalid. You should use 1, for 3DS 1.0, or 2 for 3DS 2.0 |
BP-DR-173 | Field payment.amount_total cannot contain "," | Field payment.amount_local sent is invalid. You should use "." |
BP-REF-1 | Parameter hash not informed | The field was not filled. |
BP-REF-2 | Payment not found for merchant, hash: X | The payment was not found. Contact our Integration Team. |
BP-REF-3 | Parameter operation not informed (must be request or cancel) | The field was not filled. |
BP-REF-4 | Parameter amount not informed | The field was not filled. |
BP-REF-5 | Refund amount must be positive | You are trying to send a negative refund. |
BP-REF-6 | Refund amount is greater than payment amount: X and X | The refund and the payment amount does not match. |
BP-REF-7 | Payment status is not CO, cannot be refunded: X | The payment status is not CO (Confirmed) so it cannot be refunded. |
BP-REF-8 | Payment has chargebacks, cannot be refunded: X | The payments has chargebacks so it cannot be refunded. |
BP-REF-9 | Pending refund amount for payment would be greater than payment amount: X | The amount of the refund and the payment does not match. |
BP-REF-10 | Parameter description not informed | The field was not filled. |
BP-REF-11 | Parameters not informed: refund_id or merchant_refund_code | optionally generated by the merchant and also be used to identify a refund. |
BP-REF-12 | The refund could not be found with the provided refund_id and merchant_refund_code. | Please verify that the refund_id and merchant_refund_code are correct and correspond to an existing refund. If the issue persists, contact EBANX support for further assistance. |
BP-REF-13 | Refund is already cancelled | Refund is already cancelled |
BP-REF-14 | Refund is already confirmed | Refund is already confirmed |
BP-REF-15 | Invalid operation: X | You are trying an invalid operation. |
BP-REF-16 | Parameter merchant_refund_code can have 20 characters maximum | The parameter has more characters than the limit allowed. |
BP-REF-17 | A refund already exists with this merchant_refund_code: X | There is already a refund with this merchant code. |
BP-REF-18 | Insufficient balance to create new refund. please contact finance@ebanx.com | Insufficient balance. |
BP-REF-19 | Credit card payment’s open date is older than 85 days ago. | The payment is too old. |
BP-REF-20 | Request cannot contain both payment.card and payment.creditcard entries. | Only one parameter should be used: payment.creditcard or payment.card. |
BP-REF-21 | Invalid Transaction. | Customer document blocked by Compliance. |
BP-REF-22 | Partial refund is not supported in [Payment Type] payments. | Partial refund is not supported in payments with a specific payment type. |
BP-REF-23 | Invalid bank info: Invalid bank name | Bank name provided is not valid. |
BP-REF-24 | Invalid bank info: Bank info is not allowed for this country | This country does not support the refund bank info flow. |
BP-REF-25 | Empty bank details | The bank details field cannot be empty for this bank. |
BP-REF-26 | Invalid bank detail [Operation code] | The bank detail operation code is invalid. |
BP-REF-27 | Invalid bank name | The bank name does not exist. |
BP-REF-28 | Invalid account type | This account type is not a valid option. |
BP-REF-29 | Refund is not available for savings account of bank {bank_name} | Refund is not available for savings account on this specific bank. |
BP-REF-30 | Invalid bank branch | The branch is not valid for this bank. |
BP-REF-31 | Invalid bank account | The bank account is invalid. |
BP-REF-33 | The bank_info field is missing | The bank_info field cannot be empty. |
BP-REF-34 | This refund was not created with bank info | It's not possible to update the bank info of this refund because it was not created with bank info. |
BP-REF-35 | This refund is not awaiting for bank info update | The refund status and substatus must be CO-AW for the bank info to be updated. |
BP-REF-36 | Payment hash and Refund identification do not match | The payment hash must match with refund_id or merchant_refund_code. |
BP-REF-37 | Invalid clabe | Invalid clabe. |
BP-REF-38 | Could not infer bank from clabe | We couldn't find the bank of this clabe. |
BP-REF-39 | Refund with Single Transaction | It is not allowed to cancel a refund that has Single Transaction. |
BP-REF-40 | Refund amount must be at least 50.00 CLP | For the country CHILE it is not possible to do a refund with an amount less than 50.00 CLP |
BP-CAN-1 | Parameter hash not informed | The field was not filled. |
BP-CAN-2 | Payment not found for merchant | The payment was not found for this merchant. Please check your parameter. |
BP-CAN-3 | Payment is already cancelled | Payment is already cancelled. |
BP-CAN-4 | Payment cannot be cancelled | Payment cannot be cancelled. |
BP-US-1 | Parameter hash not informed | The field was not filled. |
BP-US-2 | Payment not found for merchant, hash: X | The payment was not found for this merchant. Please check your parameter. |
BP-US-3 | Parameter status not informed | The field was not filled. |
BP-US-4 | Status must be either CO or CA | The status must be either CO or CA |
BP-US-5 | Operation NOT allowed in production mode | The updateStatus operation can only be used in the test environment. In production mode, the status changes are performed exclusively by the EBANX system. |
BP-Q-1 | Parameters hash or merchant_payment_code not informed | The field was not filled. |
BP-Q-2 | Payment not found for merchant | The payment was not found for this merchant. Please check your parameter. |
BP-CAP-1 | Parameters hash or merchant_payment_code not informed | The field was not filled. |
BP-CAP-2 | Payment not found for merchant | The payment was not found for this merchant. Please check your parameter. |
BP-CAP-3 | Payment cannot be captured, status is: CA | The payment cannot be captured. |
BP-CAP-4 | Payment has already been captured, status is: CO | The payment has already been captured. |
BP-CAP-5 | Payment cannot be captured, status is: OP | The payment cannot be captured. |
BP-CAP-6 | Payment cannot be captured, payment_type_code is: | The payment cannot be captured. |
BP-CAP-7 | Payment cannot be captured, auto_capture is: true | The payment cannot be captured. |
BP-CAP-8 | Payment cannot be captured, capture_available is: false | The payment cannot be captured. |
BP-CAP-9 | Payment cannot be captured, pre_approved is: false | The payment cannot be captured. |
BP-CAP-10 | Invalid amount | The amount that you are trying to use is invalid. |
BP-CAP-11 | Partial capture not available | Partial capture not available. |
BP-CAP-12 | Payment cannot be captured, amount must be equal or less than {currency_code} {max_amount} | The payment amount exceeds the limit. |
BP-REF-CAN-1 | Payment can not be cancelled and can not generate a refund. Payment status is CA | Payment can not be cancelled and can not generate a refund. |
BP-DMO-1 | Payment not found for merchant: merchant_payment_code={merchant_payment_code} | The payment was not found for this merchant. Please check your parameter. |
BP-DMO-2 | Only payments with status OP can be modified (your payment status is {status}) | Only payments with status OP can be modified. |
BP-DOC-01 | Invalid document: {document} | Invalid document. |
BP-DOC-02 | Invalid currency code: ADS, expected any of USD, BRL, EUR, MXN, PEN. | The currency sent on the request was not valid. |
BP-ZIP-1 | Zipcode code not informed | The field was not filled. |
BP-ZIP-2 | Zipcode is not valid | The parameter sent was not valid. |
BP-ZIP-3 | The address could not be retrieved | The address could not be retrieved. |
BP-DR-111 | Could not validate document. Please try again | The document could not be validated. |
BP-OTP-000 | Missing fields | Required fields are missing in the request. |
BP-OTP-001 | Payment not found | The specified payment could not be located. |
BP-OTP-002 | OTP validation fail | The OTP validation attempt was unsuccessful. |
BP-OTP-003 | Payment is pending | The payment is currently pending and awaiting completion. |
BP-OTP-004 | Failed to process the charge. | An error occurred while attempting to process the charge. |
BP-OTP-005 | Invalid Token | The provided token is invalid or expired. |
BP-OTP-006 | Problem in resolver processor | There was an issue with the payment resolver processor. |
Code arrow_downward | Error Message arrow_downward | Description arrow_downward |
BP-DR-33 | Invalid value for instalments: X (single value) | The parameter sent was not valid. |
BP-DR-34 | Invalid value for instalments: X (range) | The parameter sent was not valid. |
BP-DR-48 | Field payment.creditcard is required for this payment type | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-49 | Field payment.creditcard.card_number is required | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-51 | Field payment.creditcard.card_name is required | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-54 | Field payment.creditcard.card_cvv is required | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-55 | Parameter payment.creditcard.card_cvv can have 4 characters maximum | The parameter has more characters than the limit allowed. |
BP-DR-56 | Field payment.creditcard.card_due_date is required | The field was not filled |
BP-DR-57 | Parameter is in an invalid format: due_date. Correct Format: dd/MM/yyyy | The parameter was not sent on the right format. |
BP-DR-61 | It was not possible to create the token for this credit card | It was not possible to complete the operation. You can learn more about it HERE. |
BP-DR-62 | Recurring payments are not enabled for this merchant | Recurring payment is not allowed on your account. Contact our Integration Team. |
BP-DR-63 | Token not found for this acquirer | Token not found for this acquirer. You can check your request to see if everything is right. |
BP-DR-64 | Token not found | Token not found. Checked if the token is being sent right. |
BP-DR-65 | The provided token is already in use | The token that you are trying to create already exist. |
BP-DR-66 | Token not valid. The token length must be between 32 and 128 characters | The parameter has more characters than the limit allowed. |
BP-DR-67 | Field payment.creditcard.card_due_date is invalid | The parameter sent was not valid. |
BP-DR-75 | Card number is invalid | The parameter sent was not valid. |
BP-DR-79 | The amount of instalments is larger than the maximum allowed for merchant | The number of instalments is not allowed. Contact our Integration Team. |
BP-DR-83 | Foreign credit card cannot be processed. | The credit card was issued in a country other than the country of the acquirer. |
BP-DR-89 | The amount of instalments is not allowed – blocked values are: {payment.api.instalments.blocked} | The number of instalments is not allowed. Contact our Integration Team. |
BP-DR-94 | The token’s credit card has expired | The token that you are trying to use is expired. |
BP-DR-95 | Parameter payment.card.card_name must be a valid name: number isn’t allowed | The customer may have mistaken the fields and put the number of the card instead of the name. |
BP-DR-96 | Token expired | The token has expired. |
BP-DR-97 | Instalment payments are not allowed for prepaid cards. | Instalment payments are not allowed for prepaid cards. |
BP-DR-100 | Instalment payments are not allowed for debit cards | Instalment payments are not allowed for debit cards. |
BP-DR-101 | Card is not eligible for ecommerce | The card provided by the customer cannot be used for online transactions |
BP-DR-112 | Too many attempts resulting in Insufficient Funds for this card | Customer reached the attempt limit for Insufficient Funds card (2 attempts). |
BP-DR-117 | Value per instalment cannot be lower than R$5.00 | The minimum amount per instalment is 5 BRL, either send a smaller number of instalments or a transaction with a higher value. |
BP-DR-129 | Payments with instalments must be made with auto-capture mode enabled. | If you are offering instalments you can’t capture the payments manually. |
Code arrow_downward | Error Message arrow_downward | Description arrow_downward |
BP-DR-13 | Field payment.name is required | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-14 | Parameter payment.name can have 100 characters maximum | The parameter has more characters than the limit allowed. |
BP-DR-15 | Field payment.email is required | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-16 | Parameter payment.email can have 100 characters maximum | The parameter has more characters than the limit allowed. |
BP-DR-17 | Field payment.email must be a valid email | The e-mail sent was not valid. |
BP-DR-18 | Customer is disabled on EBANX | Customer is suspended on EBANX. If unexpected, please contact EBANX Support Team. |
BP-DR-19 | Field payment.birth_date is required | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-20 | Field payment.birth_date must be a valid birth date (dd/MM/yyyy) | The birth date sent was not valid. |
BP-DR-21 | Customer must be at least 16 years old | The customer has not the age required. |
BP-DR-22 | Field payment.document is required | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-23 | Field payment.document must be a valid {document} | Documents per country list: Brazil: CPF Argentina: DNI, CUIT, CUIL and CDI. Chile: RUT Colombia: CC, CE and NIT. |
BP-DR-24 | Field payment.zipcode is required | This is the CEP (postal address code). |
BP-DR-25 | Field payment.address is required | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-26 | Field payment.street_number is required | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-27 | Field payment.city is required | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-28 | Field payment.state is required | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-29 | Field payment.state must be a valid state code | For a list of Brazilian state codes, refer to: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/States_of_Brazil |
BP-DR-31 | Field payment.phone_number is required | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-32 | Parameter payment.phone_number must be a valid phone number | The parameter sent was not valid. |
BP-DR-39 | CPF, name, and birth date do not match: X | EBANX checks if the CPF belongs to the person making the payment, matching the name and the date of birth. |
BP-DR-40 | This payment exceeds the maximum amount per month. Customer current balance: X | Customer reached the payment limit for the period. |
BP-DR-42 | Field payment.responsible is required | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-43 | Field payment.responsible.name is required | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-44 | Field payment.responsible.document is required | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-45 | Field payment.responsible.birth_date is required | The field was not filled. |
BP-DR-46 | Company responsible’s CPF, name, and birthdate do not match: (.*) | Some parameters are not matched. |
BP-DR-90 | This customer is in our blacklist: {reason}. | The customer is disabled on our system. |
BP-DR-98 | Customer e-mail is associated with payments for {customer.country}, not {payment.country}, please use another e-mail | The country of the payment does not match the country of the customer. |
BP-DR-103 | Customer disabled | Customer temporarily inactivated (excessive number of credit cards). |
BP-DR-113 | Invalid transaction | Customer document blocked by Compliance |
Code arrow_downward | Error Message arrow_downward | Description arrow_downward |
BP-DR-1 | Mode must be either full or iframe | Check direct API available modes. |
BP-DR-4 | Currency is not active in the system: X | EBANX currently does not support the currency. |
BP-DR-104 | Invalid notification_url | The field notification_url contains an invalid URL. |
BP-DR-106 | You have reached the limit of your processing trial. Make sure you send the documents to unlock this limit or send an email to your business manager. | Your account have a limit of how much it could process and you have reached that limit. You must upload your documents (Dashboard) to continue processing payments, or, talk with your business manager. |
BP-DR-108 | Invalid FX Token. | The given FX Token is invalid. |
BP-DR-109 | FX Token not enabled. | Talk with your business manager to enable FX Token. |
BP-DR-110 | FX Token: Base currency not enabled. FX Token: Target currency not enabled. FX Token: Currency not found. | You are trying use an invalid currency. |
BP-DR-120 | External service not available | We weren’t able to contact the external service. |
BP-DPAR-1 | Request_body is empty | The request body is not being set by your system, please check if everything is right. |
BP-DPAR-2 | Invalid JSON expression | Something is wrong with the JSON that you are trying to send. Check it looking for blank space on typos, that may be the problem. |
BP-DPAR-3 | Field integration_key is required | The field was not filled. |
BP-DPAR-4 | Invalid integration key | The integration key it is not being accepted on the request. Check if there is any typos on the string. |
BP-DPAR-5 | Merchant account is not active | The merchant account is not enabled, please contact EBANX Support Team. |
BP-DPAR-6 | This merchant account is restricted to testing (use your production account or request one) | The merchant account is not allowed in the production environment. |
BP-DPAR-7 | This merchant account cannot be used for testing (use your test account or request one) | The merchant account is not allowed in the test environment. |
BP-EX-1 | Currency code not informed | The currency was not filled. |
BP-EX-2 | Currency is not active in the system | The currency is not enabled. |
DA-0 | Unknown error | Unknown error. Contact the Integration Team. |
DA-1 | Empty operation parameter | The field was not filled. |
DA-2 | Unrecognized operation: {operation} | Invalid operation. |
DA-3 | Unrecognized operation: {operation} | Transaction already being processed or not finished. We recommend not to retry this transaction |
BP-SA-1 | Parameter integration_key not informed | The field was not filled. |
BP-SA-2 | Invalid integration key | The integration key it is not being accepted on the request. Check if there is any typos on the string. |
BP-SA-3 | Merchant account is not active | The merchant account is not enabled, please contact EBANX Support Team. |
BP-SA-4 | This merchant account is restricted to testing (use your production account or request one) | Contact the Integration Team. |
BP-SA-5 | This merchant account cannot be used for testing (use your test account or request one) | Contact the Integration Team. |
Code arrow_downward | Error Message arrow_downward | Description arrow_downward |
BP-3DS-1 | For 3DS 2.0 transactions, Parameter public_integration_key not informed | Parameter public_integration_key not informed. |
BP-3DS-2 | For 3DS 2.0 transactions, Invalid public integration key | Invalid public integration key. |
BP-DR-130 | For 3DS 2.0 transactions, field payment.card.threeds_cryptogram is required | The Cryptogram field was not filled. |
BP-DR-131 | For 3DS 2.0 transactions, field payment.card.threeds_eci is required | The ECI field was not filled. |
BP-DR-132 | For 3DS 2.0 transactions, field payment.card.threeds_cryptogram and payment.card.threeds_eci are required | The Cryptogram and ECI fields were not filled. |
BP-DR-138 | Parameter payment.card.threeds_trxid is mandatory for 3DS Data Only | The Directory Server Transaction ID was not filled and it is mandatory when you are sending a transaction with 3DS Data Only Authentication |
BP-DR-139 | Parameter payment.card.threeds_version is invalid. The valid values are 1 (for 3DS 1.0) and 2 (for 3DS 2.0) | The ThreeDSecure version sent is invalid. You should use 1, for 3DS 1.0, or 2 for 3DS 2.0 |
Payment page errors
- Payments related erros
- Card related errors
- Customer related errors
- General errors
Code arrow_downward | Error Message arrow_downward | Description arrow_downward |
BP-R-1 | Parameter is required: currency_code | The field was not filled. |
BP-R-2 | Parameter is required: amount | The field was not filled. |
BP-R-3 | Parameter is required: merchant_payment_code | The field was not filled. |
BP-R-6 | Parameter payment_type_code not informed | The field was not filled. |
BP-R-7 | Payment type is not active | The payment type is not enabled on your account. Contact our Integration Team. |
BP-R-8 | Invalid payment_type_code | The parameter sent was not valid. |
BP-R-9 | Amount must be positive: X | The amount is being sent if a minus(-). Check your request. |
BP-R-10 | Amount must be greater than X | The amount is too low. |
BP-R-11 | Payment type does not support instalments | You are trying to apply instalment on a payment type which not support it. For example: boleto. |
BP-R-14 | Parameter merchant_payment_code can have 20 characters maximum | The parameter has more characters than the limit allowed. |
BP-R-15 | Parameter order_number can have 40 characters maximum | The parameter has more characters than the limit allowed. |
BP-R-16 | Parameter user_value_1 can have 20 characters maximum | The parameter has more characters than the limit allowed. |
BP-R-16 | Parameter user_value_2 can have 20 characters maximum | The parameter has more characters than the limit allowed. |
BP-R-16 | Parameter user_value_3 can have 20 characters maximum | The parameter has more characters than the limit allowed. |
BP-R-16 | Parameter user_value_4 can have 20 characters maximum | The parameter has more characters than the limit allowed. |
BP-R-16 | Parameter user_value_5 can have 20 characters maximum | The parameter has more characters than the limit allowed. |
BP-R-17 | Payment status is not OP (open): X | This payment does not have the OP status. |
BP-R-18 | Parameter is invalid: person_type | The parameter sent was not valid. |
BP-R-19 | Checkout by CNPJ is not enabled | Checkout by CNPJ is not enabled on your account. Contact our Integration Team if you want to change it. |
BP-R-20 | Parameter is in an invalid format: due_date. Correct Format: dd/MM/yyyy | The parameter sent was not valid. |
BP-R-21 | Parameter is invalid: due_date – exceeds more than X days | The parameter sent was not valid. |
BP-R-22 | Parameter is invalid: due_date – less than permitted | The parameter sent was not valid. |
BP-R-24 | Parameter is required: country | The field was not filled. |
BP-R-25 | Country is not enabled | The country that you are trying to make a payment is not enabled. Contact our Integration Team. |
BP-R-26 | Country is not enabled for merchant | The country that you are trying to make a payment is not enabled on your account. Contact our Integration Team. |
BP-R-27 | Payment type is not enabled for merchant | The payment type that you are trying to make a payment is not enabled. Contact our Integration Team. |
BP-R-32 | Amount must be less than X | The amount is too high. |
Code arrow_downward | Error Message arrow_downward | Description arrow_downward |
XX-XX | Unidentified error |
Code arrow_downward | Error Message arrow_downward | Description arrow_downward |
BP-R-4 | Parameter is required: name | The field was not filled. |
BP-R-5 | Parameter is required: email | The field was not filled. |
Code arrow_downward | Error Message arrow_downward | Description arrow_downward |
BP-R-23 | Currency is not active in the system: X | The currency that you are trying to use is not enabled. |
BP-R-31 | Invalid notification_url | The field notification_url contains an invalid URL. |
BP-R-34 | You have reached the limit of your processing trial. Make sure you send the documents to unlock this limit or send an email to your business manager. | Your account have a limit of how much it could process and you have reached that limit. You must upload your documents (Dashboard) to continue processing payments, or, talk with your business manager |
BP-DR-120 | External service not available | We weren’t able to contact the external service. |
RP-1 | Request body is empty | The request body is empty. Check your code. |
RP-2 | Invalid JSON expression: too deep | Check your JSON expression. |
RP-3 | Invalid JSON expression – invalid or malformed | Check your JSON expression. |
RP-4 | Invalid JSON expression – unexpected control character found (likely encoding error) | Check your JSON expression. |
RP-5 | Invalid JSON expression – syntax error | Check your JSON expression. |
RP-6 | Invalid JSON expression – bad UTF-8 characters (likely encoding error) | Check your JSON expression. |
RP-7 | Invalid JSON expression – unknown error | Check your JSON expression. |
RP-8 | Field integration_key is required | The field was not filled. |
RF-1 | Payment already exists with payment_type_code | There can be only one payment in the system with the same merchant payment code. |
Transaction status in credit card transactions
The credit card transaction status will be returned in the response of the direct and query API methods in the payment.transaction_status code
"payment": {
"acquirer": "EBANX",
"code": "NOK",
"description": "Not accepted"
You must not rely on these codes to confirm a payment, but you can use them to improve the user experience on your application.
Status | Description |
Accepted | The transaction was accepted. |
Not accepted | The transaction was not approved. Advise customer to contact the credit card issuer. |
Insufficient funds | The credit card has no funds at the time of the transaction. Advise customer to use another credit card. |
Incorrect customer data | The customer data is incorrect. Advise customer to review their data. |
Expired card | The card has already expired. Advise customer to use another credit card. |
Security code mismatch | The security code is incorrect. Advise customer to review the security code. |
Invalid card or card type | The credit card is an invalid, nonexistent or unblocked card. Advise contacting the credit card issuer. |
Invalid card number | The credit card number is invalid. Advise customer to review the credit card data. |
3-D Secure required | 3-D Secure is enabled for the credit card. Advise customer to use another credit card. |
Timeout | The connection timed out at some point of the stream. Retry at any time. |
No response from acquirer | Acquirer did not respond the request. Retry at any time. |
Acquirer response error | Acquirer response has an error. Retry at any time. |
Broken communication | The connection was broken at some point of the stream. Retry at any time |
Communication mismatch | Bad communication between EBANX and the acquirer. Retry at any time. |
Cannot fulfill transaction | The transaction could not be fulfilled or was already executed. Do not retry. |
Cannot cancel transaction | The transaction could not be cancelled. Do not retry |
Invalid due date | The credit card due date is invalid. Advise customer to review the credit card data. |
Inactive card | The credit card is not active. Retry at any time. |
Refunded | An issue has been issued for this credit card. Do not retry. |
Unknown acquirer error | The acquirer experienced a strange error. Retry at any time. |
High risk transaction | The transaction was declined for having a high probability of being fraudulent. |
Issuer does not support installments | The selected number of installments is not available for this card. |
Cannot process transaction at this moment | Acquirer could not process the request at the moment. Retry at any time. |
Localized error codes
We've prepared a JSON file with localized error messages. You can download it here.
Alternatively, you can check this two pages:
Still need help?
We hope this article was helpful. If you still have questions, you can explore the following options:
- Merchant support: Contact our support team at sales.engineering@ebanx.com for assistance.
- Not a partner yet? Please complete the Merchant Signup Form, and our commercial team will reach out to you.