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Digital Wallet Recurring


  • API credentials - Make sure you have your EBANX integration key. If not, complete the Merchant Signup Form.


The following digital wallets are available by country.

CountryAvailable digital wallets
Argentina flagArgentina
Mercado Pago Connect
Mercado Pago Connect
Brazil flagBrazil
Mercado Pago Connect
Mercado Pago Connect
Chile flagChile
Mercado Pago Connect
Mercado Pago Connect
Colombia flagColombia
Mexico flagMexico
Mercado Pago Connect
Mercado Pago Connect
Uruguay flagUruguay
Mercado Pago Connect
Mercado Pago Connect
* Hover over icons to display the name of the payment method.


Recurring payments involve three main steps:

  1. Customer authorizes payment.
  2. Payment token is created for future charges.
  3. Recurring charges are made using the saved token.


Follow the steps below.

  1. Customer checkout

    Your customer selects a recurring digital wallet payment at checkout.

  2. Customer enrollment

    You must enroll your customer in recurring payments by submitting a request to the following endpoint: /ws/userenrollment/{digital_wallet_code}.

    Sample request

    • Each digital wallet has a unique code, which you will need during this process.
    • In the URL path, replace {digital_wallet_code} with the digital wallet code
    • For the payment_type_code parameter, use the digital wallet code as its value.

    // Example using 'mpconnect' digital wallet code.

    curl -X POST
    --location '' \ // Example: mpconnect
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{
    "integration_key": "your_ebanx_integration_key",
    "operation": "enrollment",
    "payment_type_code": "mpconnect", // Digital wallet code
    "enrollment": {
    "merchant_enrollment_code": "f630beb6-8abf-4080-b9ff-a5221131f307", // Unique
    "email": "",
    "country": "br"

    Sample response

    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "redirect_url": "unique_mpconnect_url_to_finish_enrollment",
    "enrollment": {
    "status": "PENDING",
    "merchant_enrollment_code": "f630beb6-8abf-4080-b9ff-a5221131f307", // Unique
  3. Customer approval

    The customer is redirected to the redirect_url, where they approve the recurring payment enrollment.

  4. Create a payment with token

    Create a payment using the confiormed merchant_enrollment_code

    curl -X POST 
    --location '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{
    "integration_key": "your_ebanx_integration_key",
    "operation": "request",
    "payment": {
    "payment_type_code": "mpconnect",
    "country": "ar",
    "amount_total": "20.00",
    "currency_code": "ARS",
    "email": ""
    "merchant_payment_code": "xyz-123-1001",
    "metadata": {
    "merchant_enrollment_code": "f630beb6-8abf-4080-b9ff-a5221131f307" // Token for recurring payment
  5. Handle the payment response

    • The response will have a Completed (CO) or Canceled (CA) status.
    • There will be no redirection.

    "payment": {
    "hash": "5ec27f3b86fa8e3123452345626aec3989aa2ceccdb7",
    "country": "ar",
    "merchant_payment_code": "xyz-123-1001",
    "order_number": null,
    "status": "CO",
    "status_date": "2021-12-13 20:23:25",
    "open_date": "2021-12-13 20:23:21",
    "confirm_date": "2021-12-13 20:23:25",
    "transfer_date": null,
    "amount_br": "20.00",
    "amount_ext": "20.00",
    "amount_iof": "0.00",
    "currency_rate": "1.0000",
    "currency_ext": "ARS",
    "due_date": "2021-12-16",
    "instalments": "1",
    "payment_type_code": "mpconnect",
    "pre_approved": false,
    "capture_available": null
    "status": "SUCCESS"
  6. Congratulations!

    You have completed the necessary steps to create a recurring digital wallet payment.


Use the following resources when testing in your sandbox environment.

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